Welcome to Zero Xcuses
Zero Xcuses started modestly as a training studio in a humble unit in Hollywood Florida’s most picturesque locale as a welcoming place for busy, goal-driven people to get fit. Max Vidal Ruiz, the company's founder, believes that fitness has the capacity to transform lives, he also recognizes that not everyone has the luxury of time.
As an executive with more than 20 years of experience in Marketing and Commercial Management, he has successfully managed various product categories in the financial, consumer goods and pharmaceutical fields and has been responsible for the successful launches and solid positioning of important Peruvian brands, obtaining various recognitions and industry awards.
Equally passionate as a fitness enthusiast, he worked ceaselessly to fuse health and the busy corporate lifestyle together. The purpose behind Zero Xcuses is to give an ultimate fitness experience in as little time as possible under the supervision of highly qualified and experienced professionals. He now stands with an experienced team who share a great rapport with members, keeping in mind their needs as first priority and are with them each step of the way in reaching their goals.
Bulk up, trim down, or maintain a healthy weight. Our 20-minute guided sessions, state-of-the-art equipment, and professional fitness staff will get you there.